Legal marijuanas Orlando Florida

legal marijuanas Orlando Florida walk-in’s welcome. Medical marijuana.

In May 2016, Orlando city council approved by a 4–3 vote a plan to allow civil citations to be issued for possession of up to 20 grams of cannabis. The penalty was set at $100 for a first offense and $200 for a second.

How many plants can you grow with a medical card in Florida?In Florida, a medical marijuana grower can only have 6 flowering or 12 vegetative plants in accordance with the state laws. You may be arrested if you are found to possess even a single plant over this limit. However, We can help you as the grower grow more than this limit without even breaking the law.

Is CBD legal in Orlando Florida?The short answer: no one in Florida. The new federal law sets up a pathway for states to create their own industrial hemp program and makes them responsible for regulation. That means there is no formal body ensuring the CBD you buy at the store is what the label says it is


Welcome to CannaCare Wellness. Natural care for your mind and body. We strive to serve our patients with top quality and the most professional care in this field. Locally owned and operated we are able to guarantee that extra level of service and time given in our clinic. We understand the benefits of medical marijuana and are here to not only qualify you for your condition but to hear out exactly what type of treatment you need. Please feel free to call or schedule online for an appointment. Walk-ins are also available. Open 7 days a week!

HOW TO APPLY Orlando Florida

To begin the process you must first book an appointment 

At time of appointment the Doctor will review your medical records and approve you into the medical marijuana use registry.

Once approved into the State registry, you will receive your login information

Once logged into the State registry, you will be able to complete the card process.

Once your ID card is approved by the State (14-30 days), you can visit the Dispensary.

Contact Us

(407) 993-1420

(407) 993-2420 fax